Camp Nirvana

Camp Nirvana

Explore Camp Nirvana, the ultimate escape located in the heart of Uttarakhand, India. This exquisite destination offers a seamless blend of luxurious hotel accommodations and exhilarating camping experiences, all set against the majestic Himalayas. Whether you’re in search of serene relaxation or thrilling adventures, Camp Nirvana has it all. Your perfect retreat awaits!

Adventure Activities:

Camp Nirvana isn’t just about relaxation; it’s also your gateway to exciting adventures. The area around the camp is like a big playground for people who love nature and thrilling activities. You can go on beautiful hikes, try white-water rafting in the Yamuna River, and do fun things like camping and cultural experiences. Whether you’re new to adventures or you’ve done them before, the stunning Himalayan scenery makes everything even more amazing. So, get ready for some exciting outdoor fun when you stay at Camp Nirvana Barkot!

Property Amenities

  • Barbeque
  • Caretaker
  • Bonfire
  • Shared Parking
  • Bathroom
Room Categories

Swiss Cottage

    Swiss Tent


      Saptarishi Kund: 7.3 Km
      Surya Kund: 7.3 Km

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